Join our Expat Team Green Gardens

What you’ll do

You’ll be part of a team which helps eldery or people with a physical disability doing small jobs in their garden. The residents live in Stadsdeel Zuid. You help them with weeding, pruning and planting their courtyard, gable or balcony garden. Working in a team makes it more fun and a lighter load. You decide how often you chip in.

With your help you contribute to the quality of green spaces of the city. In this way the city becomes more climate-proof and benefits biodiversity by offering food and shelter to animals.

Desired Skills

  • Able to work in a team
  • Treat residents with respect
  • Open to learning from your team members
  • All communication is in English, so you should be able to understand the basics
  • And last but not least, it would be nice if you have some passion for gardening ;-)


You can learn more about gardening on the spot, with help from the coordinator and team members. Besides, we organize various practical workshops on green topics, and you can join as well.

What we offer you

  • Guidance by an experienced coordinator
  • A quick opportunity to meet people and make friends
  • You work in a team in a language you are familiar with
  • The work is done during school hours
  • You can determine your own time commitment
  • A lot of gratitude from the people you help (and hopefuly good coffee as well :-)

Are you interested?

Would you like to join our Expat Team Green Gardens? Mail to or call to 020-662 82 37.